Public Libraries, Scott Cawthon, Lindsey Bluth (Arrested Development)


Love: Public Libraries

Alex gets both nostalgic and literary for this episode’s Love where he dives into the history and benefits of public libraries. He talks up their value as a universal public good, the trouble they’ve been in over the years, and even calls out a book or two he would’ve never read without them. Andy meanwhile gets extra nostalgic, and everyone gets a reminder that the internet does not make everything obsolete.

Hate: Scott Cawthon

Andy takes his Hate time to discuss video game designer and right-wing dillhole, Scott Cawthon. He talks through his history in the industry, his record of donating just so much money to so many terrible people, and the general shrug from the public still consuming his media. Alex tells a heartwarming story about Five Nights at Freddy’s, we all get a refresher to not look to TikTok for the revolution.

Relationship: Lindsay Bluth (Arrested Development)

This episode’s Relationships.txt question has the asker looking for how to deal with their shopaholic sister who stole her debit card and is being coddled by her family instead of seeing consequences. Andy discusses the value of taking security measures against identity theft, Alex the necessity of separating finances from toxic family, and we all try to remember that there’s always money in the banana stand.