Collectable Card Games, Apocalypse Fantasies, Morty Smith

Love: Collectable Card Games

Andy opens this episode with another nostalgia point, bringing everyone into the world of collectable card games. He details the history of the nerd niche, both generally and his own, Alex owns up to being both a Pokémon and a Yu-Gi-Oh! kid, and both of them take entirely too much time talking about a Christian CCG called “Redemption,” because of course they did.

Hate: Apocalypse Fantasies

Alex uses his time to discuss his personal loathing for the larger community, both in real life and online, who obsess and revel in fantasies about the end of the world. He goes on at length about how these groups downplay real-life threats to society for the sake of ego-stroking nonsense (his own past with doing so included), Andy defends “Alien Invasion” as both the coolest and most inspiring end-of-the-world, and time is made to recommend George Romero’s Diary of the Dead for no particular reason other than it’s great.

Relationship: Morty Smith

A real life question rolls in this time as an actual listener asks for advice on dealing with feelings of isolation as one of the lone left-leaning members of his extremely conservative family and workplace. Andy commiserates from a deep and personal level, Alex suggests ways to find community beyond the day-to-day, face-to-face world, and everyone agrees that some people just aren’t worth arguing with.