Animorphs, Guillotine Fetishism, Jon Snow (Update)

Love: Animorphs

Andy takes the love section this episode to talk about one of his (and it turns out Alex’s) favorite childhood sci-fi book series, Animorphs. They talk about how despite being written for younger audiences, it still managed to hit on hard science fiction concepts and frank discussions of war, child soldiers, and philosophy. Andy talks about being scared of some of the more evocative covers and how the complex drama of the David Saga hooked him in, while Alex just HAS to bring up war crimes and the one time the characters meet Hitler.

Hate: Guillotine Fetishism

Alex goes pretty left of center (pun intended) to discuss what he sees as the extremely troubled trend of guillotine fetishism and murdering the rich rhetoric in contemporary politics. Andy does a real-time Twitter check for the term “guillotine” to somewhat horrifying results, Alex offers a series of mea culpas for his own gross forays into this realm of humor, and he even learns that frequently, he is not nearly as funny as he thinks he is.

Relationship: Jon Snow (Update)

For the second time in Love Hate Relationship history, a listener writes in with an update to a previous question. To hear all about Jon Snow and his awkward parentage situation, check out Episode 26. Alex and Andy are brightened to hear that things have gone (mostly) well for him, and offer some absolutely unsolicited advice about taking his time meeting his biological father. A better ending than Game of Thrones in every way.