Triple Relationship Special


After a brief hiatus to relocate Andy up to the mountains of Western North Carolina, LHR is back with our first Triple (or maybe more like Sextuple) Relationship Special!

We begin with Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty, not the dead guy briefly played by Matt Smith on The Crown) who looks for some help with his partner’s sudden and concerning need to take in stray and wild animals. There’s some discussion of regression, some of respect of personal space, and even a little rundown on the Top Three ways to get rabies!

Next is Yugi Moto, whose real-life partner Joey thought enough to get her a puzzle for her collection, and it just happened to be one she already had. Apart from making anime shippers happy, Alex and Andy talk about the tribulations of lying to protect feelings.

After that, we have Zelda Fitzgerald and her fresh new potential boyfriend, who totally took credit for her awesome cooking skills on his social media, and she’s wondering how to respond. Andy rightly calls out some red flags, Alex weeds through the nuances of carefully structured second chances, and everyone agrees that there are too many dudes who pull this kind of crap.

For a quick two-fer, Homer Simpson and Stan Smith write in for perspective on renting a billboard to go after someone who owes him money and his wife making awkward suggestions that he bang old ladies for money, the answer to both of course being variations on, “No. Don’t do it.”

Finally, they close out with Buster Bluth, who looks for advice on dealing with her parents’ discomfort with her having a baby with her notably older husband, and it’s…a lot of no one looking particularly good at the end, y’all.