Tim Pierce, the PMRC, Hank Moody (Californication)


Love: Tim Pierce

Alex starts this episode with the latest installment of his “People You Didn’t Know Made Everything You’ve Ever Loved” series to discuss session guitarist, YouTuber, and sweet old man, Tim Pierce. He relays Pierce’s understated journey to becoming one of the most prolific session players since the 80’s and his extensive work for everyone from Adele to Phil Collins on the Tarzan soundtrack. Andy, meanwhile, learns that the people in the band aren’t always the ones on the records, and that the guy who played the Power Rangers intro also filled in for Shinedown and played for Shakira.

Hate: The PMRC

Andy gives a music history lesson for his Hate to discuss the Parents Music Resource Center. He tells the story of how they attempted to (and sort of succeeded in) censoring music in the 80’s, their “Filthy 15” list, and the legacy of their Parental Advisory stickers. Alex meanwhile, rants about Dee Snider and John Denver, and we find one more reason to hate Mike Love.

Relationship: Hank Moody (Californication)

This episode’s question from Relationships.txt sees an asker trying to navigate the discovery that his hook-up from two years prior is his now-girlfriend’s mom (who never told him she was married). Andy sympathetically reminds him that he did absolutely nothing wrong, while Alex reminds him that doing the right thing frequently results in losing everything you love.