Pizza, Crossfit Haters, Richard Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)

Love: Pizza

Andy takes his episode time to talk up arguably the single most popular topic LHR has ever discussed, pizza. He gives some history, including the surprisingly class-based politics surrounding its popularity, and he and Alex argue about which of the fast-food pizza chains is the best (spoilers, it ain’t Papa John’s).

Hate: CrossFit Haters

For the first time since he didn’t quite defend Nickelback Alex flexes his contrarian muscles to call out the needless, lazy hate heaped upon CrossFit. He gives some back story and definitions, his own handful of legit criticisms of the larger entity, and Andy tells the most horrifying story of a married couple/workout partner arrangement maybe ever.

Relationship: Richard Gilmore (from Gilmore Girls)

Another question from Relationships.txt, and the asker is looking for advice on how to stick to their guns about keeping finances separate from their partner even though their financial situation has changed. Andy reminds them that in marriage, taking care of a partner should always be first and foremost, and Alex attempts to blow apart the notion that not talking about money will stop money from being a problem.