Julia, Farrah, Dev, Bruce


This month’s Relationship question opens with Julia Cotton (Hellraiser) realizing that she, in fact, had an affair with her dead sister’s husband. Andy is appropriately appalled at this being a thing that needed to be realized while Alex gets to the uncomfortable brass tacks of honesty and the consequences that follow it.

The next question comes from Farrah Abraham (16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom) and concerns her pregnant daughter, whom she herself gave up for adoption, cutting off communication. Alex dwells for a while on the subject of adult children getting to choose whether or not they keep their parents around, and Andy is touchingly kind to remind her what is and is not her fault, especially when giving birth as a teenager.

Question number three has Dev (Master of None) asking for advice on how to navigate his girlfriend wanting to buy a bunch of new furniture and wanting him to pay for half despite his lack of interest in it. Taking the easy route, both Alex and Andy talk about the value of compromise, as well as what it means to decorate a space together and call it yours.

The final question has Bruce Wayne (Batman), trying to figure out how to deal with his wife and children’s fighting after a clear misunderstanding about whether she values the youngest sister over the two elder boys. The poster is reminded to not be an absolute a**hole and that there’;s an absolute value to sitting down and clarifying stuff, even when your teenagers don’t want to listen.