John Mayer and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy


Love: John Mayer

Alex takes his Love segment to proffer a defense of his admiration for guitarist, songwriter, and occasionally problematic figure, John Mayer. He discusses the eras of Mayer’s career (complete with clips), his controversies over the years, and why it’s cool if you don’t like him, or if you do. Andy is reasonably horrified at the phrase “David Duke cock,” but finds the guitar-p[laying pleasant enough.

Hate: The Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Andy gets serious for this episode’s hate topic, and discusses the events and (lack of) fallout from the Bhopal Gas Tragedy. He gives a history lesson on the garbage regulations that allowed it to happen, how thousands of people still live in a toxic waste site, and how basically no one in the Western World seems to really know about this. Alex, meanwhile, yells a bunch about capitalism and racism, so, you know…Tuesday.