Elizabeth, Ned, Violet, Becky


For this month’s Relationship questions, we begin with Elizabeth Solley (The Fog) inquiring about why a dude she was dating only really started liking her Facebook posts after they split up because he was so distant all of the time. Both Alex and Andy have thoughts on the value of emotional distance, especially after very short relationships, and further questions are asked about why so much is being invested in a couple of likes…on Facebook

The next one has Ned Schneebly (School of Rock) asking what to do when his girlfriend asks him to step down from participating in his long-time best friend’s wedding because she didn’t get a token invite into the wedding party. There is an unsurprising lack of respect for this weird and singular idea of decorum, and everyone is reminded that brides, grooms, etc., get to do what they want on their big days.

Next is Violet Crawley (Downton Abbey) looking for advice on contending with her belligerent daughter holding time with her grandkids hostage because she doesn’t like her new partner. Andy commends a certain stick-to-your guns respect for oneself while Alex reminds her that sometimes it’s awful to miss out on a loved one’s childhood, but parents can’t do anything once the kid’s 18.

Finally, Becky Donaldson Katsopolis (Full House) wonders if she did something wrong by double-checking her husband’s packing job on their daughters’ suitcase before going on a vacation. There is much discussion of weaponized incompetence vs. clear communication, and two childless men try really hard not to act like they understand this struggle on too personal a level.