Bass Guitar, Student Loan Debt, Charlie Bucket

Love: Bass Guitar

Alex opens this episode with a discussion of one his favorite musical instruments, the bass guitar. He talks its history, how essential it is to so many genres of music, and its ridiculously inaccurate reputation as basically a dumbed-down, easier version of the guitar. Andy and he talk about their favorite bassists and even find time for an impromptu, research-less, barely there GOAT discussion.

Hate: Student Loan Debt

Andy comes out with this episode’s hate tacking the millennial specter of student loan debt. He brings up what the economists have to say about the looming bubble of debt and how an entire generation is now putting off marriages and home-buying as they deal with the ball-and-chain of monthly payments, and he and Alex segue into the stack of lies and broken promises they were fed surrounding college. It’s a downer, but an illuminating one at least.

Relationship: Charlie Bucket

A listener wrote in for this episode with potentially the darkest question we’ve ever received, asking how to possibly salvage their relationship with a grandfather, who in the aftermath of his wife’s death, has taken to lashing out and pushing everyone away. They talk about the potential for commiserating over grief and mourning, and the possibility of that grandfather never getting over what’s happened, and passing away himself without the kind of reconciliation our listener is hoping for. This one’s heavy, kids. Gear up.